<% if session("open")<>true then dim username username=request.QueryString("name") sql="select * from [BBSXP_Users] where UserName='"& username &"'" rs.Open sql,Conn,1,3 if rs.eof and rs.bof then error("用户数据错误!") UserPass=Trim(rs("Userpass")) if Rs.eof then error("数据库错误!") if SiteConfig("AllowLogin")=0 and Rs("UserRoleID")<>1 then error("除管理员外任何人都不允许登录") Rs("UserActivityTime")=""&now()&"" Rs("UserActivityIP")="'"&Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")&"'" Rs.update Invisible="1" ResponseCookies "UserID",Rs("UserID"),Expires ResponseCookies "UserPass",UserPass,Expires ResponseCookies "Invisible",Invisible,Expires session("open")=true rs.close Session("VerifyCode")="" response.Redirect("default.asp") end if %> <% GroupID=RequestInt("GroupID") HtmlTop %>
>我的主题 | 查看新贴 | 精华贴子 | 热门主题 | 新会员:<%=conn.execute("select username from [BBSXP_Users] order by UserID desc")(0)%>
<% response.write show111 if CookieUserName=empty then response.write "用户等级:游客 请 [登录] 或 [注册] 后进行操作" else if conn.execute("select UserRoleID from [BBSXP_Users] where UserName='"&CookieUserName&"'")(0)=1 then show111="管理员" elseif conn.execute("select UserRoleID from [BBSXP_Users] where UserName='"&CookieUserName&"'")(0)=1 then show111="超级版主" else show111="注册会员" end if response.write "用户等级:"&show111&" 金钱:"&conn.execute("select UserMoney from [BBSXP_Users] where UserName='"&CookieUserName&"'")(0)&" 经验:"&conn.execute("select Experience from [BBSXP_Users] where UserName='"&CookieUserName&"'")(0)&" 发贴:"&conn.execute("select count(*) from [BBSXP_Posts] where PostAuthor='"&CookieUserName&"'")(0) end if %>   <% Rs.open "select top 1 * from [BBSXP_Statistics] order by DateCreated desc",conn,1,3 if Rs.eof then response.redirect "Install.asp" %> 共 <%=Rs("TotalTopics")%> 篇主题 | <%=Rs("TotalPosts")%> 篇贴子 | 今日 <%=Rs("DaysPosts")%> 篇贴子 | <%=Rs("TotalUsers")%> 位会员
<% if CookieUserName=empty then %> <%end if%>
用户名称: 用户密码: <%if SiteConfig("EnableAntiSpamTextGenerateForLogin")=1 then%>验证码: <%end if%> 自动登录 没有注册 找回密码
<% sql="[BBSXP_Threads] where IsApproved=1 and IsDel=0 and ThreadTop=2 order by ThreadID Desc" Set Rs=Conn.Execute(sql) if Not Rs.Eof Then %>
<% Do While Not Rs.Eof Response.Write ""&Rs("Topic")&" ("&FormatDateTime(Rs("PostTime"),2)&")  " Rs.MoveNext Loop %>
<% End If Rs.Close if GroupID>0 then sql="Select * From [BBSXP_Groups] where SortOrder>0 and GroupID="&GroupID&" order by SortOrder" else sql="Select * From [BBSXP_Groups] where SortOrder>0 order by SortOrder" end if Set Rs=Conn.Execute(sql) do while not Rs.eof if RequestCookies("ForumGroupDisplay"&Rs("GroupID")&"")="none" then ForumGroupDisplay="style='display:none;'" ForumGroupDisplayImg="group_expand.gif" else ForumGroupDisplay="" ForumGroupDisplayImg="group_collapse.gif" end if %> " <%=ForumGroupDisplay%>> <% sql="Select * From [BBSXP_Forums] where GroupID="&Rs("GroupID")&" and ParentID=0 and SortOrder>0 and IsActive=1 order by SortOrder" Set Rs1=Conn.Execute(sql) do while not Rs1.eof ShowForum Rs1.Movenext loop Set Rs1 = Nothing response.write "
" title="<%=Rs("GroupDescription")%>"><%=Rs("GroupName")%> ')" src="images/<%=ForumGroupDisplayImg%>" id="ForumGroupImg<%=Rs("GroupID")%>" >
版块 主题 帖子 最后发表 版主
" Rs.Movenext loop Rs.close ForumName=SiteConfig("SiteName") ForumID=0 %>
<% regOnline=Conn.execute("Select count(sessionid) from [BBSXP_UserOnline] where UserName<>''")(0) if BestOnline < Onlinemany then Conn.execute("update [BBSXP_SiteSettings] set BestOnline="&Onlinemany&",BestOnlineTime="&SqlNowString&"") end if if SiteConfig("DisplayWhoIsOnline")=1 then %>
<%Response.Write("目前论坛总共 有 "&Onlinemany&" 人在线。其中注册用户 "®Online&" 人,访客 "&Onlinemany-regOnline&" 人。最高在线 "&BestOnline&" 人,发生在 "&BestOnlineTime&"")%>
◇ 图例: 管理员 超级版主 版主 商业用户 会员 游客或隐身

<% end if if SiteConfig("DisplayStatistics")=1 then %>
<% Rs.open "select top 1 * from [BBSXP_Statistics] order by DateCreated desc",conn,1,3 if Rs.eof then response.redirect "Install.asp" %> 总共 <%=Rs("TotalTopics")%> 个主题 / <%=Rs("TotalPosts")%> 篇帖子 / <%=Rs("TotalUsers")%> 位用户
<%=FormatDateTime(Rs("DateCreated"),1)%>新增 <%=Rs("DaysTopics")%> 个新主题 / <%=Rs("DaysPosts")%> 篇新帖子 / <%=Rs("DaysUsers")%> 位新用户
欢迎新用户 <%=Rs("NewestUserName")%> <%Rs.close%>

<% end if if SiteConfig("DisplayBirthdays")=1 then %>
<% Set Rs=conn.Execute("Select UserName,Birthday From [BBSXP_Users] where Month(Birthday)="&Month(now())&" and day(Birthday)="&day(now())&"") if Rs.eof then Response.Write "今天没有过生日的用户" do while not Rs.eof %>"><%=RS("UserName")%> <% Rs.Movenext loop Rs.close %>

<% end if if SiteConfig("DisplayLink")=1 then %>
<% Rs.Open "[BBSXP_Links]",Conn do while not Rs.eof if Rs("Logo")="" or Rs("Logo")="http://" then Link1=Link1+""&Rs("name")&" " else Link2=Link2+" " end if Rs.Movenext loop Rs.close if Link2<>"" then Link2="
"&Link2 %><%=Link1%><%=Link2%>
<% end if %>
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<% HtmlBottom %>